Board of Directors

BOD Photo 2024..JPG

Meet the 2023-2025 Board of Directors

Front: Secretary Pamela Floyd-Cranford, Deputy Mayor Sarah Jones, Mayor Jay Moran, Town Manager Steve Stephanou Back: Directors Jerald Lentini, Dennis Schain, Jessee Muñiz Poland, Peter Conyers, Zach Reichelt and Ed Boland.

The next Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors is on Tuesday, February 4th in the Lincoln Center Hearing Room, with Executive Session beginning at 6:30 p.m. and the Regular Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m.  Manchester residents are welcome to speak at the Board of Directors' regular monthly meetings, either in person or remotely.  Individuals may also submit email comments to the Board of Directors using

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To view Notices, Agendas, Minutes, and Actions from 1994-present select from the "View Actions, Agendas, and Minutes" option below. Minutes and actions for years prior to 1994 are viewable at the Town Clerk's Office. To view presentations presented at the Board of Directors meetings, please select from the "View Presentations" option below. 












If you have any further questions or would like additional information about Manchester Town Government, please direct an email message to the Customer Service and Information Center.