Parking Ban is in effect from 2 p.m Saturday 2/15 through 8 p.m Sunday 2/16.Severe Cold Weather Alert starting from 6pm Sunday 2/16 through 6pm Saturday 2/22.
The Economic Development Commission is an advisory agency that studies and investigates conditions affecting Manchester industry, business, commerce, agriculture, recreational and residential facilities. It promotes and encourages the preservation, expansion and development of the Town's diverse economy. The Commission collaborates with local, regional, and state economic development entities to ensure Manchester is part of the regional economy. The EDC meeting schedule is the second Thursday of the month at 8:00 a.m. in the Directors Room of Lincoln Center, 494 Main St.
Click for past Agendas on eCode
Click for past Minutes on eCode
2024 Meeting Schedule(PDF, 338KB)
2025 Meeting Schedule(PDF, 342KB)
All Committee viewable calendar
Scheduled Meetings
Gary Anderson, Director of Planning and Economic Development or call 860-647-3044
Ex-officio: Millie Texidor-Maffucci