Check out the links, above, to find out more information about the Manchester Transfer Station.
Before you visit...
Do you hate to throw so much away? There are other options! Check out our Sustainable Waste Management page for more information!
Sustainable Waste Management
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OPEN Tuesday through Saturday, 7:15am to 2:30pm - CLOSED Sundays and Mondays
The Transfer Station is closed on the six holidays listed below and is open on a normal schedule for all other holidays.
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
When any of these holidays fall on a Saturday, the Transfer Station will be closed that day, and open the preceding Friday. When any of these holidays fall on a Sunday, the Transfer Station will be closed on the Monday immediately after the Sunday holiday.
The Sanitation Division hosts two FREE Drop-off Days at the Transfer Station each year (one in the spring and one in the fall) where residents can get rid of unwanted household waste at no charge. These events are only for Manchester residents.
Next Event: Saturday, May, 4, 2024, 7:15am-2:30pm
Proof of Manchester residency is required at check-in via a driver’s license or a Manchester Recycling Permit. The use of any commercial / commercially branded vehicles will not be allowed at this event, including dump trucks, utility/double-axle trailers, and box trucks. All residential Transfer Station rules apply.
Acceptable Items
- Bulky Furniture
- Electronics
- Appliances
- Mattress/Box Springs
- Carpeting
- Yard Waste
- Tires - Limit of 4
- Metal Recycling
- Rigid Plastic Recycling
- Household Garbage
Non-Acceptable Items
- Hazardous Waste
- Paint Care Products
- Pesticides
- Asbestos
- Gasoline
Want to know what is accepted at the Transfer Station? Looking for a better understanding of the Transfer Station layout? Check out our Transfer Station Story Map!
Transfer Station Story Map
Starting July 1st, 2022, all Manchester Residents needing to dispose of eligible items at the Transfer Station must have a current Recycling Permit Card and, for chargeable items, must purchase a Punch Card.
*Recycling Permit Cards & Punch Cards are not to be distributed and/or used by anyone else other then the assigned permittee.*
Recycling Permit Card
The Annual Residential Recycling Permit is FREE. A Recycling Permit allows all Manchester residents to access the Transfer Station to dispose of recyclable materials and other eligible items (including food scraps). Registering for a Recycling Permit can also provide access to our satellite food scrap drop-off stations for eligible residents (those served by the Town's trash and recycling collection program).
Do you currently have a 2022-2023 red Recycling Permit Card? Through our new online Recycling Permit Application, you can update your old account information when applying for the 2024-2025 Recycling Permit.
Are you already a current holder of the 2024-2025 blue Recycling Permit Card, but want to sign up for one of our Food-Waste-to-Compost Programs? You can update your Recycling Permit account information (including contact information) using the online Recycling Permit Application link, below.
Recycling Permit Application
Recycling Permit Application
Residential permits are to be picked-up at the Sanitation Office Window located on 311 Olcott Street. (Cards will not be mailed or emailed.)
Although we recommend online application submission for faster servicing, you may also fill out an application in-person at the Sanitation Office Window by bringing the required proof of residency described in the following section.
To print a hard copy of the Recycling Permit Application, click here(PDF, 742KB).
Proof of Residency
The Recycling Permit Application must be accompanied by two (2) of the items listed below as proof of Manchester residency, one of which must be a photo ID:
- State Photo ID / Driver's License - *Required*
- DMV Vehicle Registration
- Utility Bill (Gas/Electric) - *Water bill not be accepted*
- Cable TV / Internet Bill
- Valid Lease Agreement
Note: If the current address is different from what is listed on the Photo ID, then two (2) additional documents from the list above must be provided.
Punch Card
Orange and Yellow Punch Cards never expire, however, they must be accompanied with an active Recycling Card.
Visit the Sanitation Office Window at 311 Olcott Street to purchase a Punch Card. The Punch Card fees are as follows:
- 4 Punch Card - $25.00
- 10 Punch Card - $50.00
Only passenger vehicles, residential pick up trucks (no logo), and small single axle trailers are permitted at the transfer station. NO commercial vehicles, box trucks, and double axle trailers are permitted in the transfer station.
Commercial vehicles (with logos/graphics), box trucks, rented box trucks & double axle trailers must use commercial scale and pay commercial rates (Mon-Fri).
Leaves can be dropped at the Transfer Station at no charge to Manchester residents year round during normal Transfer Station hours (Tuesday through Saturday, 7:15 AM to 2:30 PM). A current Recycling Permit Card is required to do so (which is free to Manchester residents).
Leaves can also be dropped off after hours until dusk at the 263 Olcott Street leaf collection site from October 11th to December 31st of each year. Leaves which are dropped off must be loose or in paper bags. NO PLASTIC BAGS - They cause contamination to the compost!
30 gallon Leaf bags are available for purchase at $0.40 each and in bundles of 5, 25, & 50. Leaf bags are available for sale year-round at the residential window of the Sanitation Office (311 Olcott Street), Tuesday through Saturday, 7:15 AM to 2:30 PM.
Leaf bags are also available at Customer Service Center in Town (41 Center Street), Monday through Friday, 8:30-5pm. For more information please call 860-647-5235.
For information on curbside collection of leaves and yard waste, visit our Residential Curbside Collection page.
Residential Curbside Collection
Christmas trees can be dropped off at the Transfer Station during normal hours of operation (Tuesday through Saturday, 7:15 AM to 2:30 PM). A current Recycling Permit Card is required to do so (which is free to Manchester residents). Trees contaminated with plastic bags, ornaments, lights or stands will not be accepted.
For information on curbside collection of Christmas Trees, visit our Residential Curbside Collection page.
Residential Curbside Collection
My Recycling Cart is full and I have more material, where can I take it?
You can recycle the items listed here at the Transfer Station. The Manchester Transfer Station is open Tuesday through Saturdays, 7:15am to 2:30pm. Proof of Residency is required.
Manchester Transfer Station - 311 Olcott Street, Manchester, CT 06040
What vehicles/trailers are allowed on the Residential side for Manchester Residents?
Get information about permitted residential vehicles from this sheet.
How do non-Residents use the facility?
Get information about non-residents facility use from this sheet.
What do I do with fire extinguishers?
Fire extinguishers when full are under pressure and may explode when combined with other materials. As of July 1, 2018,Fire Extinguishers CAN be brought to a Household Hazardous Waste collection eventfor safe and proper disposal. An alternative is to discharge the tank in a safe location, at which point it has been depressurized and can be thrown away as trash if it is plastic, or recycled as scrap metal at the Town's Transfer Station if it is a metal extinguisher. Click here to learn more from CT DEEP about how to dispose of fire extinguishers.
What do I do with carbon monoxide detectors?
Carbon monoxide detectors do not contain radioactive material, so you can treat them as you would photoelectric smoke detectors. Check with the manufacturer to see if they have a take-back program. If they do not, remove the battery from your carbon monoxide detector and throw it in the trash.
What do I do with smoke detectors?
Most smoke detectors contain a small amount of radioactive material. When installed in your home or office this material poses little threat but if broken open, it can become a health hazard. This is the reason that smoke detectors must be labeled as having radioactive content and their manufacturers must accept these items for disposal as hazardous waste.
Homeowners can mail smoke alarms and smoke detectors back to their manufacturer by surface or UPS ground mail, marked "For Disposal" or contact the manufacturer by phone for instructions.
Manufacturer/Manufacturer's Address
- Kidde Residential Division, 1016 Corporate Park Drive, Mebane, NC 27302
- Life Saver/Frynetics, Inc. 1055 Stevenson Ct. Suite 102, W. Roselle, IL 60172
- Code One/Firex/Maple Chase 2820 Thatcher Road, Downers Grove, IL 60515
- American Sensors (800.387.4219)
- FirstAlert/BRK Brands (800.323.9005)
- Dicon 3334 Main Street Skokie, IL 60076
- Safety's Sake/Funtech 388 N Elliot Creek Road Amherst, NY 14228
- Other Manufacturers not listed above