Seasonal Outdoor Dining Area Permits


Manchester restaurants can now apply for a Seasonal Outdoor Dining Area Permit, which allows operation of an outdoor dining area between April 1 and October 31 each year. Seasonal outdoor dining areas may be located on sidewalks, parking lots, or other open spaces in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, Section 23(PDF, 7MB) of the zoning regulations.

Restaurants wishing to operate a seasonal outdoor dining area should apply for a permit using the instructions below. Permit applications will be reviewed administratively by Town staff for compliance with the zoning regulations as well as all applicable health and safety codes. Please allow 1-2 weeks for review and issuance of a permit (the more detail you provide on your layout plan, the faster we can review). After the first year, permits may be renewed annually via an expedited process.

Contact Megan Pilla  in the Planning & Economic Development Department if you have any questions.

Apply for a Seasonal Outdoor Dining Area Permit

Online Application:

Please apply for the application type Seasonal Outdoor Dining Permit.

Online Portal Instructions(PDF, 934KB)

At the end of the application, you will be asked to upload the following required materials:

  1. Signed copy of the Permit Requirements Acknowledgement Form(PDF, 136KB)  

  2. Certificate of Liability Insurance in the amount of two (2) million dollars with the Town named as additional insured (required if the location is on public sidewalk or other Town-owned property)  

  3. Outdoor dining area layout plan
  • Must show all physical features of the outdoor dining area, including tables, chairs, umbrellas, barriers, planters, signs, trash receptacles, tents, busing stations, etc.  
  • Include dimensions
  • Examples:  (Click to enlarge)

1.jpg(PDF, 81KB)

2.jpg(PDF, 86KB)

 3.jpg(PDF, 207KB) 

Additional Permits Required

If you will be using a tent, outdoor heaters, or certain other features in your outdoor dining area, you may need additional permits. Staff will advise you after reviewing your submitted documents.